Online coaching


Want to 




Reduce your risk of INJURY?

Then Fowler Fitness online coaching is for you

It’s not always easy to find a gym near you that offers a good sports performance program. The more you learn about training, the more you progressively come to this same conclusion.  They are few and far between, and usually cost you an arm and a leg. When it comes to sports performance, you simply cannot walk into the gym and just “do whatever”. That might work for someone who has the simple goal of losing a little extra body fat, but not for someone trying to compete at an exceptionally high level. That’s why Fowler Fitness offers comprehensive, online sports performance coaching for a mere fraction of the cost. You will be provided with the exact same cutting-edge workouts, nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle protocols that all of our athletes receive. It’s time to stop using a trial and error approach to training. As an athlete, you have ZERO time to waste. Are you ready?

Frequently asked questions:

What do I get?

Fowler Fitness offers two forms of remote programming – full remote coaching and base programming.

1-on-1 remote coaching – the full enchilada:

Once you’re signed up for our online coaching, you will receive and have access to the following:

  1. Customized, cutting-edge nutrition, recovery, and lifestyle recommendations specific to you
  2. In-season and off season programming (up to 6 training days per week, including tailored strength training, power, sprint, and conditioning options) complete with video instructions and detailed program notes
  3. Customized exercise options for working around injuries.
  4. Consulting – complete access to ME as your coach. via The Truecoach in-app messaging. All questions answered.
  5. 50% discount on consult calls
  6. Exclusive member product discount codes
  7. Free access to all of my standalone products and guide

Base programming – Just programming

The base programming is a simplified, cheaper version of our remote programming. The base programming  is a four training days a week, upper/lower split complete with strength training, hypertrophy and power work updated weekly via the TrueCoach app. It’s a complete, concurrent training solution for those with hybrid goals. Unlike the full remote coaching, the base programming is not customizable, does not include access to the consulting service, and does not include additional sprint work, accessory or conditioning days.

What makes this program different from others?

Unlike most training programs and services , Fowler Fitness online coaching takes an applied science driven approach to high-performance. No time wasted on training methods or exercises that hold little efficacy. A good training program is not complicated or fancy, but it does need to be smart.

What type of results have athletes gotten on the program?

The results from the program are well documented. Athletes  that have stayed consistently on the program for 1-2 years have averaged 10-15 inches on their vertical jump, 10-15MPH on their pitching velocity,  .2-3 seconds off their 40Y dash, and added 15-30lbs of lean mass in the process

If not a beginner, can I still  see good results from the program?

Yes, the program has been tested and used successfully with athletes of widely different training age/experience.

Does the program work for all sports?

Yes. The program is specifically designed to make you a more efficient and robust human being first and foremost. The program has been used successfully with professional and novice athletes of ALL sports.  Unlike most training programs that employ a hit or miss “sports specific” training approach, this program ensures positive transfer of training to sport by improving the fundamental qualities that separate amazing athletes from the rest. No tricks or gimmicks

Will the program help with injuries and pain?

Before beginning any strength and conditioning program you should be cleared to train by a doctor. However, many athletes have used this program  to effectively train around injuries and prevent chronic/reoccurring pain

How long do I need to stay on the program?

We believe that results come from a good plan executed well over time, and are not in the business of selling quick fixes or silver bullets. While some training is surely better than no training,  we still generally recommend that athletes train with us for the full duration of their on and off season (1 year total) to see the best results. Most of our online clients will train with us for the remainder of their athletic career.

Can I join the program even if I’m not an athlete?

Yes. Many formers athletes and non-athletes alike have run the program and seen substantial improvements in body composition, movement quality and strength.

What equipment do I need?

While the program is flexible, we generally recommend finding a commercial gym where you have access to a pully (cable), barbell, dumbbells, boxes for jumping, bands, medballs a smith machine, and a GHD or 90 degree hyperextension

How does it work?

Once you’ve signed up for our online coaching program, you will be sent an invite to the TrueCoach app. You’ll need to 1. Download the app 2. Create an account and 3. Put in a form of payment. Once you’ve downloaded the app and added your payment info, shoot us a message in the app to confirm your status. Your first week of programming will show up on your dashboard on Sunday to review before starting Monday

How much does it cost?

1-on-1 remote coaching:

  1. Month-by-month:  $250, cancel whenever.
  2. Upfront: 6 months up front ($1200 total),
  3. Monthly installments: 6 monthly payments at $200 (most popular). With the latter option, you’re making a 6 month minimum commitment to the program This is non-refundable, and once you’re committed those payments have to be made.  If you’re a little on the fence and just want to try it out first, I always recommend going with the month-by-month installments first ($250) and then  switching over to the 200 (with the commitment) if you decide you want to do the program long term. Payment will automatically renew after the 6 month commitment is up unless otherwise canceld

Base programming: $75 billed monthly

Can I upgrade from the base programming to 1 on 1?


How do I sign up?

To sign up or inquire about our online coaching program, drop us an email at: